Frequently Asked Questions

Most popular

Grammar Checker

  1. Copy and paste or start typing your text into the text box.
  2. Click on the underlined error to view the replacement options.
  3. Replace each error, or click the "Ignore" button to skip.

Anyone can use our Grammar Checker.

It's a great tool for students who need to double-check their homework before handing it in and for those who are learning English to get acquainted with English grammar rules.


Our Grammar Checker can be used as a spell and punctuation checker to ensure that every part of every sentence you write is correct.

Yes! Our Grammar Checker is free to use. There is no payment required for a free account.

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism means using someone else's work without citing it correctly.

Adding documents to a website and reviewing other users' documents is not plagiarism.
Submitting another's documents as your own is plagiarism.

Please never turn in any papers or documents from this website as your own.

  1. Copy and paste or start typing your text into the text box.
  2. Click on the highlighted sections to view potential plagiarism and relevant source links.
  3. Click the "Exclude this text" button to exclude this section from the plagiarism report.

You can scan up to 25 pages every month with a Premium subscription.

A single page can contain up to 250 words.

Additional pages may be purchased if you need more at any time.

We store your text only in order to run the plagiarism report.

We will never share your text with any third parties outside of the company.

Yes. All Premium users have access to the Plagiarism Checker.

Citation Generator

The Citation Generator is an automatic bibliography creator that will properly format your sources for your research based on some basic information about each source.

Making a bibliography for your homework or research paper has never been easier.

The Citation Generator currently supports the APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard styles.

Study Resources

Please use our search engine to find documents.

We receive many emails every day and we cannot help you with individual queries.

If you sent a document or are the owner of a document that was sent to this website, please go to that document and click on "Report this document" to have it removed.

You can also visit the report page.


You can join for free.

If you want, you can upgrade at any time for less than $1 per day.

If you pay by credit card, your access to your premium account will be immediate.

If you pay by PayPal, you may need to wait up to 5 minutes for your premium account to activate.

Try logging out and logging back in to activate your account.

Please go to the cancel account page.

Your account will be premium for the remainder of your subscription.

For instance, if you signed up for the monthly membership on April 15 and cancelled on April 29, your account would still be premium until May 15.

You most likely signed up for one of our recurring memberships.

You will be billed until you cancel your subscription.

We bill your account every month.

So, if you signed up on April 15, you would be billed again on May 15 (unless you cancel your account).

We issue refunds on a case-by-case basis.

Please visit our refund policy page.

Can't find your answer? Contact us