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Grammar Checker

Feel confident about your writing

Use our free Grammar Checker to find and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in your writing.

We can help you to avoid mistakes with:

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Word choice
  • Capitalisation
  • Style
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She speak English, Spanish, and French.
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The game was called off because, it was raining.
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28% of your paper matches public sources.

Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. In the Renaissance, the term contrasted with divinity and referred to what is now called classics, the main area of secular study in universities at the time. Today, the humanities are more frequently defined as any fields of study outside of natural sciences, social sciences, formal sciences (like mathematics) and applied sciences (or professional training).

The humanities include the studies of foreign languages, history, philosophy, language arts (literature, writing, oratory, rhetoric, poetry, etc.), performing arts (theater, music, dance, etc.), and visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, etc.); culinary art or cookery is interdisciplinary and may be considered both a humanity and a science.

Plagiarism Checker

Check for plagiarism mistakes hiding in your assignment

Use our Plagiarism Checker to detect unintentional plagiarism hiding in your text against millions of web pages and nonpublic sources.

We analyze your text against the following content:

  • websites
  • academic papers and research papers
  • books and magazines
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Citation Generator

Automatically cite in thousands of styles

The Citation Generator will find all the available information to generate a citation, including the author(s), publication date, and publisher.

Generate citations according to the official APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard style rules.
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My Citation list #1
Updated: 01/12/2022
My Citation list #2
Updated: 01/15/2022
My Citation list #3
Updated: 01/16/2022

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