Honour Code

We are here to help you succeed and improve your understanding of various topics and ideas. We are committed to providing you with high-quality study tools and resources to help you learn and study more effectively and become even better students, not just pass your classes.

We expect our students to act with academic integrity and use our services and resources in the manner for which they were intended, and we do not condone the misuse of any materials or related help provided through our website.

Therefore, anyone who misuses our services for the express purpose of committing academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating and claiming another person's work as their own, will be met with appropriate action.

Please review some examples for proper use:

  • Use our services and resources to study more effectively and better understand your course material.
  • Upload study materials that you have created on your own.
  • Use our study tools to assist with your assignments only.
  • Use our website in a manner that follows your school's or institution's academic honour codes.

Some examples of misconduct include:

  • Upload another person's document and claim it as your own work.
  • Copy answers, solutions, and other materials directly from our website and submit them as your own work.
  • Use our website in any manner that violates your school's or institution's academic honour codes.

We are committed to doing our part to help ensure our services are not misused. Please only use our website in a manner that follows your school's or institution's academic honour codes to assist with your understanding of assignments. Nowadays, the consequences are severe, and for many schools and institutions, convictions of academic dishonesty can result in probation, suspension, or even expulsion.

Thank you for partnering with us to support student learning. We welcome suggestions and feedback on how we can improve our honour code. Please email your ideas to us at support@firststudycentre.co.uk.

If you suspect Honour Code violations, you can submit a ticket.